Passive income

The Staking Platform incentivizes user participation and investment in the ecosystem. Users can stake their tokens to participate in the network's maintenance and operations and receive rewards.

Key features include

  • Passive Income: Users can earn rewards by simply staking their tokens in the platform. The platform offers up to 30% of APY

  • Network Participation: Stakers get to participate in network governance, voting on key decisions.

  • Arbitration: Stakers can participate in the dispute resolution system and receive rewards for successful judgment.

All computational and transaction fees on, the network are paid in $DCA tokens or stable coins. Staking will allow the project to secure its operations. Stakers will be able to earn staking rewards. Generate passive income by staking your DCA tokens into our platform. Multiplier up to 30% APY when claiming the daily generated rewards after a lock-up period of the initial investment of up to 52 weeks. A 4% fee is charged on non-subscription stakes and distributed as follows: - 2% goes back into the staking pool - 1% goes into the referral pool - 1% into the activity pool. Staking being the most incentivized utility of the platform, the pool will hold up to 25% of the total supply. The maximum lock-up period is 52 weeks. You can choose the lock-up period of your choice, which has to be between 12 weeks and 52 weeks. When you choose a longer lock-up period, the APY grows exponentially. Each staking individual will fall into a pool and will receive an NFT to the pool and staking period.

Staking and Governance

DCA token holders can stake their tokens and earn staking rewards. Locked DCA tokens get converted into xDCA NFT ID and receive an APY of up to 30%.

To encourage informed and responsible governance participation, declance uses the voting rights approach to align users' interests with the platform's long-term health.

This process typically involves

  1. Token-Based Voting: Users stake tokens to gain voting rights, with the number of tokens staked correlating to the weight of their vote.

  2. Proposal Submission and Voting: Stakers can propose or vote on platform changes, new features, or policy decisions.

  3. Time-Locked Staking: Longer staking periods confer greater voting power or more significant influence over decisions.

Our protocol is governed by xDCA NFT ID holders. Benefits of Staking

  • Relatively High APY of up to 30%

  • Flexibility to move staking entries between wallets

  • Ability to sell/buy existing staking entries (open-sea, dca otc platform), either if you need the money or want to make a profit from it (futures)

The Staking Pool is defined by a combination of β€œAMOUNT” and β€œDURATION”.

Diamondβ€” (highest): amount >= 500,000 DCA & duration >= 42 weeks

Platinum β€” : amount >= 100,000 DCA & duration >= 32 weeks Gold β€” amount >= 20,000 DCA & duration >= 22 weeks

Silver β€”(lowest): amount >= 1 DCA & duration >= 12 weeks

NFT id is awarded for each staking entry. This ID is a good method of assigning staking entries to users, instead of doing it by their address.

Last updated