
The Declance Smart contract combines several features from Delegated Proof-of-Stake (DPoS) and Proof-of-Authority (PoA) for consensus finding. Decentralized Arbitrary Systems (DAS) At its core, this consensus algorithm called DAS is built on a network of 20 stakers who will be taking part in the arbitrary dispute resolution. To become a member of the DAS Team, an individual Staker has to be in the top tier holder of the xDCA NFTs. Delegators will have the opportunity to enter the dispute resolution center. The dispute resolution center is aimed at resolving issues arising from delays and cancellations of payments. Delegators will have access to details within a disputed transfer which would allow them to make a sound decision on who is right or wrong. Delegators will be reasonably compensated for their input and decisions. The compensation is determined during the creation of the DAS contract. In the case of a payment dispute, Declance will review the evidence and determine whether the payment was made.

Declance can unlock the escrow for the otc buyer or seller, but can't withdraw it for itself. That's what makes the escrow non-custodial.

Less than 5% of the disputed amount is required for Declance to step in and unlock the escrow account. These payments are paid straight to the delegators.

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